There are lots of different ways to support ReCoCo! Whether you donate to us, fundraise for us, volunteer with us or support us in other ways, we couldn’t do it without you. You help keep our doors open and allow us to continue providing essential life-changing support to our students. Thank you.
What donations allow us to do and how it supports us:
One in four people will experience a mental health problem of some kind throughout each year. Many of us will know what it is like to either experience mental health problems personally or to witness someone we love going through it. We, at ReCoCo, believe that this experience helps equip us to help others. Your donations allow us to provide learning and connection opportunities that help reduce mental distress and improve self confidence and awareness of skills. Here at ReCoCo we believe that people who are in mental distress develop many skills in order to survive, we help them to see this and to realise through seeing others that have done so, that hope and recovery is possible.
Click the donate button below for the option to do a one-off donation or a monthly donation via Paypal Giving. Thank you for your support!
A bit about fundraising for us and platforms
We also warmly welcome anyone who would like to fundraise for us! Mental health can feel insurmountable as an issue in our society right now, and by fundraising you can make a difference, helping us to keep our doors open and to continue supporting those who need us. You should be able to find us on GoFundMe, Facebook, Ebay and more, but don’t hesitate to get in touch if you encounter any issues or want any support or guidance.
OR Please send any donations by bank transfer to…
Sort Code: 30-90-89
Account Number: 35320168